Which of the following statements is true concerning data selection?


There are a number of considerations that go into data selection for any given analysis. The first step is to identify the population of interest and the type of data that will be most informative.

Once the population and data type are determined, the next step is to select a representative sample. This involves ensuring that the sample is representative of the population in terms of important characteristics such as age, gender, race, etc.

Finally, it is important to consider the practicalities of collecting the data, such as cost and time constraints.

Data selection is the process of selecting appropriate data for analysis?

There are a number of considerations that go into data selection for analysis. The first is to identify the goals of the analysis and what type of data will be most useful in achieving those goals.

For example, if the goal is to improve customer satisfaction, then data on customer complaints would be more relevant than sales data.

Once the relevant data has been identified, it must be collected from various sources. This can be a challenge if the data is spread across multiple databases or if it is unstructured.

Once the data has been collected, it must be cleaned and processed to remove any invalid or incomplete records.

Finally, the data must be transformed into a format that can be analyzed, such as a table or spreadsheet.

There are two common approaches to data selection: purposeful and accidental?

Purposeful data selection is when the researcher specifically chooses what data to collect based on a pre-determined goal or hypothesis.

This approach is often used in experimental research, where the researcher has control over the independent and dependent variables.

On the other hand, accidental data selection occurs when the researcher collects data without any specific purpose in mind. This approach is often used in observational research, where the researcher does not have control over the variables.

Purposeful data selection seeks to identify data that is most likely to be relevant, given specific purposes?

Data selection is a process of identifying the most relevant data for a specific purpose. This process can be facilitated by using a variety of techniques, including data mining, statistical analysis, and machine learning.

Data selection can also be constrained by factors such as cost, time, or legal considerations.

Accidental data selection is more closely related to exploratory data analysis, where the goal is to examine a large amount of available data in order to find patterns or relationships that would not have been anticipated beforehand

There are generally two types of data selection: accidental and intentional.

Accidental data selection is more closely related to exploratory data analysis, where the goal is to examine a large amount of available data in order to find patterns or relationships that would not have been anticipated beforehand.

Intentional data selection, on the other hand, is more focused on confirmatory analysis, where the goal is to test specific hypotheses about how different variables are related.

Both accidental and intentional data selection can lead to bias in research results, but this is more likely to occur with intentional data selection.

This is because researchers who are deliberately selecting data to support their hypotheses are more likely to cherry-pick results that confirm their beliefs while ignoring contradictory evidence.

Additionally, even if researchers are not consciously biased, they may still inadvertently introduce bias into their study by only considering certain types of data that fit their preconceived ideas about the phenomenon under investigation.

To avoid these problems, researchers should be aware of the potential for bias in data selection and take steps to ensure that their results are as objective as possible.

When reviewing existing studies, readers should also be critical of the way data was selected and consider whether alternative explanations for the findings are possible.

Imagine you are a scientist who has?

As a scientist, it is vital to be aware of the different types of data that are available and how to select the most appropriate type for your research.

There are three main types of data: observational, experimental, and simulation.

Observational data is collected by observing and recording measurements or events that occur naturally. This type of data is often used in weather or climate studies.

Experimental data is collected by manipulating a variable and measuring the effect on another variable. This type of data is often used in medical research.

Simulation data is created by using models to generate artificial data that represents real-world conditions. This type of data is often used in economic or market analysis.

When selecting data for your research, you should consider the following factors:

  • The type of question you are trying to answer

  • The availability of data

  • The cost of collecting or generating the data

  • The accuracy and precision of the data

  • The variability of the data

Choosing the right data is critical to your business and marketing efforts?

It is crucial to have a clear knowledge of what data is available before making any decisions. The type of data you collect should be based on the specific business goals and objectives you are trying to achieve.

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to data selection, so it is important to tailor your data selection process to fit your specific needs.

There are a number of factors that you need to consider when choosing the right data for your business and marketing efforts.

First, you need to understand what types of data are available and how they can be used to help you achieve your business goals.

Second, you need to identify the specific business goals and objectives that you want to achieve with your data selection process.

Third, you need to tailor your data selection process to fit your specific needs. By taking the time to consider these factors, you can ensure that you choose the right data for your business and marketing efforts.

You should always look for data that's relevant to your product or service and the audience you're targeting?

When it comes to data selection, relevance is key. You should always look for data that's relevant to your product or service and the audience you're targeting.

This will help ensure that the insights you glean from the data are accurate and actionable.

There are a few different ways to go about finding relevant data. First, you can use public sources like government data or industry reports. Second, you can purchase data from a research firm or third-party provider.

Finally, you can collect your own primary data through surveys, interviews, or focus groups.

Whichever route you choose, make sure that the data you ultimately select is of high quality and tells a clear story about your target market.

With the right data in hand, you'll be well on your way to making smarter marketing decisions that drive results.

Decide which type of data you need, then pick up the phone and start calling around or search on Google or other search engines?

When it comes to data selection, you need to decide which type of data you need and then start calling around or searching on Google or other search engines.

There are many different types of data out there, so it's important to narrow down your options before you begin your search.

Once you know what kind of data you need, finding the right sources will be much easier.

Data can be selected at random?

There are a number of ways to select data at random, but the most common is simply to choose a set of data points that is representative of the population as a whole.

This can be done by choosing data points that are evenly distributed across the population, or by selecting data points that are randomly chosen from the population.

Data can be limited to a certain region?

If you want to limit your data to a certain region, you can use a number of different techniques.

For example, you can use a geocoding system to define the area of interest, or you can use a Web Mercator projection to select data that falls within a certain latitude and longitude range.

You can also use software like ArcGIS to select data based on its geographic location.

Data can be biased?

Data selection bias occurs when the data that is collected about a particular subject is not representative of the entire population.

This can happen for a lot of reasons, including intentional selection (e.g., only surveying people who are likely to vote for a certain candidate) or unintentional factors (e.g., sampling error).

Data selection bias can often lead to inaccurate conclusions being drawn from the data.

Data selection

There are a number of considerations that should be taken into account when selecting data for analysis. The first is the type of data that is required.

This will depend on the query that you are trying to answer and the methods that you plan to use. For example, if you want to study the relationship between two variables, you will need data on both variables.

Second, you need to consider the quality of the data. This includes things like accuracy and completeness. It is important to use data that is as high quality as possible, as this will make your results more reliable.

Third, you need to think about how easy it will be to access the data. If you are using public data, it should be easy to obtain.

However, if you are using private data, it may be more difficult to obtain and you may need special permission from the owner.

Finally, you need to consider what kind of effort will be required to clean and prepare the data for analysis. This can vary depending on the quality of the data and how it is formatted.

Data that is well-organized and in a standard format will require less effort to clean than data that is messy or in an unusual format.

Data can only be collected from written sources?

Data can only be collected from written sources if the researcher is investigating a historical phenomenon.

For illustration, if a researcher wanted to study the effects of the American Revolutionary War on women’s lives, she would likely consult primary sources such as diaries, letters, and newspapers from the time period.

However, if the researcher wanted to study how contemporary American women use social media, she would collect data from written sources like blog posts and Facebook status updates.

In addition to primary sources, researchers often use secondary sources when conducting historical research. Secondary sources are interpretations and analyses of primary sources.

For example, a history book about the American Revolution would be a secondary source because it contains the author’s interpretation of events that took place during that time period.


Data selection is a process of choosing which data to collect and use in order to answer a research question.

Data selection can be conducted through various methods, such as surveys, focus groups, interviews, or observations.

The most important part of data selection is ensuring that the data collected is relevant and reliable in order to produce accurate results.

Shweta Gupta

Shweta is a student pursuing a dual specialization course in BBA Global E-Business and Finance. She is a published author, and she likes to discover new things.


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