How to update TikTok: Everything you need to know about it!


To update or not to update TikTok, that is the question! Many people choose to keep their app up-to-date as new features and bug fixes are released, but others may feel like they don't have time for it.

Whether you decide to update or not is up to you, but here's everything you need to know about the process.

IMPORTANT: If you're using an Android phone and your carrier has blocked the TikTok app from being updated, there's a workaround called "airplane mode sideloading" that can be done by following these instructions. 

1. On your phone's home screen, open Settings.

2. Under Apps & Notifications, tap on TikTok.

3. Tap on "Update Now."

4. If prompted, enter your password and then tap on "OK." 

5. Your phone will now begin downloading the latest version of the TikTok app. The process may take a few minutes depending on your network connection speed and device usage.

Once the download is complete, your phone should restart automatically. You'll now be able to use your updated app!

What is TikTok?

TikTok is an app that allows users to capture and share videos with others on the app. It has become incredibly popular since its release in 2014, and there are currently more than 200 million active users.

The app is available for both iOS and Android devices, and can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.

To use TikTok, you first need to create an account. Once you have created an account, you can start capturing and sharing videos.

You can record videos in 1080p HD resolution, add music, and make your videos longer or shorter than usual video content. You can also add filters to your videos to make them look more professional.

You can share your videos with other TikTok users by sending them a direct message or posting them on the app’s main page. You can also save your videos so that you can watch them later using the “Saved Videos” section of the app.

How to Update Your Account?

If you're on iOS or Android, open the app and tap on the three lines in the top left corner. If you're not on either of those platforms, go to and sign in with your Google or Apple account.

Tap on the three lines again. On the main screen, tap on "My Account." You'll see a list of all your videos and channels. If you want to make a change, tap on one of your videos or channels and then tap on "Update Profile."

On the next screen, enter your updated info (name, age, etc.), choose a password, and confirm it. If you want to delete a video or channel, just tap on it and then tap "Delete."

That's it!

Creating a New TikTok Account

If you're thinking of signing up for TikTok, here's everything you need to know! 

First things first - if you don't have an account yet, make one now. It's free and easy to do. 

Once you've set up your account, the next step is to update your settings.

Here's what you need to do: 

  • tap on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the app and select Settings 

  • under "General," tap on "Profile Picture" 

  • choose a picture that represents who you are (optional) and tap on "Save" 

  • under "Features," turn off "Upload Multiple Videos at Once" unless you want to upload multiple videos at once (recommended) 

  • under "Privacy & Security," make sure that both boxes are checked and enter your password in the appropriate field

  • Besides that, as you have an idea it's just the start of your TikTok so you need to quickly increase your online community. For a shortcut approach, you can buy TikTok followers and utilize strategies to convert them into real ones

Where to Find the Best Songs for Your Videos?

Finding the right songs for your videos can be a challenge. There are so many great options out there, it can be hard to know where to start.

Here are some tips on how to find the best songs for your videos:

1. Consider Your Purpose

First, you need to decide what your purpose for using music in your videos is. Are you trying to create a somber mood? upbeat? motivational?

You need to select songs that will fit the tone of your video and help create the desired atmosphere.

2. Look at Popular Songs

One good way to find popular songs that might work well for your videos is by looking them up on YouTube or Google search engines.

This way, you won't have to spend too much time researching which songs might work well for your project.

3. Try Finding New Songs

Another great way to find new music that could work well in your videos is by subscribing to music streaming services like Spotify or Apple Music and then searching for specific genres or themes that interest you.

This way, you'll have a wider variety of tunes at your disposal when creating new videos.

Generating Revenue from TikTok

TikTok is a popular app that allows users to create and share short videos with others. Users can earn money by performing tasks in the app, such as watching ads or uploading original content.

There are a number of ways to make money from TikTok, including through Sponsored Lenses, Subscriptions, In-App Purchases and more.

Here are some tips on how to make the most out of the app:

1. Use Sponsored Lenses:

Sponsored lenses are special effects that can be added to videos for a fee. They give you an edge over other users and help you stand out from the crowd.

To use a sponsored lens, click on the 'add lens' button in the bottom right corner of your video editor and select 'sponsored lens.'

There are many different types of sponsored lenses available, so be sure to research which ones are best for your content and brand.

2. Earn Money by Subscribing:

You can also earn money by subscribing to certain channels or by viewing adverts. This is a quick way to make some extra cash without having to spend too much time editing videos or adding sponsored lenses.

3. Make In-App Purchases:

Another way to make money from TikTok is by making in-app purchases. This involves purchasing items such as coins or extra storage space within the app.

This option is useful if you want to save your videos for later or if you want to increase your channel's visibility and TikTok Followers.

Understanding Video Search for tiktok

Video search is a powerful way to find content on the internet. With tiktok, you can easily find and watch videos from your favorite channels.

Here are four tips for using video search on tiktok: 

1. Search by topic:

You can find videos about almost anything on tiktok. Whether you're looking for travel videos, funny cat videos, or DIY tutorials, there's a likely video for you. 

2. Use keywords to narrow your search:

If you know what specific type of video you want to watch, use keywords to help filter the results. For example, if you're looking for cooking videos, use "cooking" as a keyword in your search. 

3. Use the "related videos" feature to explore related content:

When you start typing in a keyword, tiktok will show you all the videos that have that keyword in the title or description. This is a great way to explore different topics and find more relevant videos quickly. 

4. Share videos with friends and family members:

Sharing Videos is one of the best ways to use tiktok. Not only will they be able to enjoy your favorite clips, but they'll also get insights into new content that they may not have seen before.

How to make videos for tiktok?

To make a video for TikTok, you'll need an iPhone or Android phone that supports the app, and some basic filming gear.

You can shoot videos in either portrait or landscape mode, but you'll want to keep the frame rate high (around 60 frames per second), because TikTok favors videos with smooth motion.

Once you've got your footage shot, it's time to edit. On iOS, tap on the Footage tab at the bottom of your screen and select Import from Camera Roll.

On Android, open the Media Gallery by pressing and holding down on your home screen and selecting Video->Import from Camera Roll.

Once your footage is imported, you can start editing by selecting one or more clips and hitting Edit->Cut. You can also use tools like Auto Correct and Rearrange to make your video look its best.

Finally, it's time to share your masterpiece with the world! On iOS, tap on Share at the top of your screen and select Add to Diary or Post to Social Network.

On Android, hit Share->Post to Social Network. Be sure to tag yourself in the video so other TikTok users can find it!

Exploring the social features of tiktok

TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to share short videos with each other. The app has a variety of features, including the ability to add friends, make and share videos, and follow other users.

It also has a range of filters and effects that can be used in videos. 

One of the most popular features of TikTok is the ‘auto-advance’ function. This lets users watch their video without having to manually advance through it. This makes it easier for people who are using the app while travelling or on a break. 

Users can also create groups called ‘tribes’ where they can join together with other like-minded people. These tribes can be dedicated to different topics, such as fashion or food, or they can be made up entirely of users from one specific country or region. 

Users can also post comments on each other’s videos and engage in conversation with each other. This is an especially useful feature for people who want to know more about what their friends are talking about in their videos.


If you use TikTok, or any other social media platform for that matter, it's important to keep your account updated and current with the latest changes.

In this article, we'll be walking you through the basics of how to update your TikTok account and make sure that everything is running as smooth as possible.

I hope this helps!

Shweta Gupta

Shweta is a student pursuing a dual specialization course in BBA Global E-Business and Finance. She is a published author, and she likes to discover new things.


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