Few ways to steal your competitors’ backlinks?

How to steal your competitors’ backlinks

Spammers, directory owners and publishers know that the easiest way to increase their rankings is to get backlinks. 

They will use any means necessary to get them. One common technique is using content that has the same keywords on your website as the content on one of your competitor's websites. 

Some of these techniques are shady but some are quite legal.

For example: Publish content on a competitor’s website with similar keywords to the domain you link back to. 

Execute a hidden link or use backlinks from non-competing websites.

Generate traffic on an advertising forum and publish the exact same URL used to advertise as your own website. 

Why a competitor's backlink profile is valuable?

Marketers start with a strategy and then work backwards from there. Developing an SEO strategy starts off with knowing your competitors. 

It's important to know where the best content is on their website, what keywords they rank for, which blogger has the biggest audience, and more like that.

5 Ways You Can Steal Your Competitors’ Backlinks

Link building is an important part of SEO. You need to gain backlinks from relevant websites in order to improve search engine rankings. You can do that either on your own or with the help of a solid B2B link building agency.

In this blog post, several ways to steal backlinks from your competitors are listed.

1. Monitor your competitors’ websites for any unnatural or spammy links.

2. Pay for a link audit to identify any dodgy links that may be affecting your ranking.

3. Use black hat SEO tactics to acquire links from your competition without their permission.

4. Copy and paste your competitor’s content onto your website without giving them credit or linking back to them.

5. Enter into competitor sponsored contests. 

What to do if your competitors are stealing your traffic?

Although the content of your blog is important and maybe what makes you stand out, it's not where your traffic comes from. 

If your competitors are stealing traffic, there might be a few things you can do to bring some of it back. 

The first would be to add relevant backlinks on your website that are related to the content of their website as opposed to yours. 

Another way would be to come up with a better value proposition for your visitors. 

A third thing would be to focus on longer-term goals such as retention instead of immediate profit generation. Get backlinks to your website from online publications.

A few money-making methods you can apply include:

- donation

- running contests 

- even email marketing campaigns such as autoresponder series of emails or sending visual messages within an email. 

Getting links to your blog is possible by offering guest post opportunities but don't forget that those should be approved before the actual publishing date on their website. 

What are some tips for stealing backlinks?

There are a few things you can do to steal backlinks. One way is to find and use duplicate content sources.

Another is to search for backlinks that have been removed from the web. The last is to take advantage of typos in your competitor’s name.

We have seen many businesses fall victim to a competitor’s link scheme. The competitor is typically building a strong backlink profile in the SERPs and then using them for acquisition purposes. 

They could be using various different links such as profiles, directories, blog comments, and article comments to accomplish their goals. 

To avoid being caught in these schemes, be wary of any links coming from an unusual source and always check your website’s backlink profile. 

Additionally, use analytics tools like Google Webmaster Tools or SE Ranking Factors to see how much time your site spends on the first page of the search results and whether you are losing shares due to competitors.

Conclusion -

Web site owners need to be aware of the ways that their competitors can steal their backlinks. 

One way is through spam, where competitors create and post links to their website with the intention of siphoning off traffic from your site. 

That's all for now! See you later with a different topic! Till that keep the conversation going in the comment section below.


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